Crazy Week

Last week’s craziness started with a phone call from my husband saying he had lost his keys and couldn’t pick up our 4 year old. I had exactly 45 minutes before the school closed to pick her up and thankfully I made it. Then Elise came home with hurting gums which ended being something stuck in her gum like a splinter. Our beta fish indigo died – many tears were shed by the girls. Maggie’s been on breathing treatments for two weeks trying to get rid of her cough/bronchitis. And that was all by Tuesday.

Goodbye Indigo
Goodbye Indigo

And Jack has decided that being a baby is not for him. He’s rolling over and scooting across the ground like an inch worm, so it’s looking like we will have a super early crawler. But it’s okay with us if he slows down since he’s just 3 months old.

Sleeping on his tummy
Sleeping on his tummy
Playing with toys
Playing with toys
3 months
3 months

Then Thursday, I had a hemangioma removed from my nose and then the spot cauterized. I didn’t realize I would wear a foam pack for 72 hours. Luckily, I only had to make through one day of work and had the weekend to recover. Hoping this coming week is much less exciting.

L to R: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
L to R: Thursday, Friday, Saturday

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