
So we are back on the papertrail again…we were fortunate this week to be informed that our fingerprints are expiring which are a part of our paperwork that is currently in Vietnam. Wednesday we started the process of contacting the correct people to get the forms we need to be re-fingerprinted. We have mixed feelings about the discovery. On the one hand we are glad to know, so we can it take care of before it becomes a roadblock in our process. On the other hand, we are getting weary of always having something to deal with. It has been a long road and right now it feels like the end will never come, but really it will.

Coincidentally, I just finished a book for the Tapestry, the Adoption and Foster Care Ministry at our church, women’s bookclub. We read the book Carried Safely Home by Kristin Swick Wong. As I finished the book this Monday, one passage spoke to me and our current ups and downs….

“All who choose to enter adoption choose to open themselves to pain. We can choose to embrace the grief inherent in the journey, letting it mold us to be more like Jesus. We need not deny pain. We need not oversimplify complex questions. We need not fear when something in God’s word or world is difficult to understand and embrace. These heart struggles can push us to new ground in our relationship with God. May we be given grace to accept such struggles when they come, and not shrink back from where the Lord wants to bring us. Though it may be hard to sing in the thick of distress, at the end we will certainly look back and declare ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness.'”

We definitely feel like we are in the thick of it, but we are anticipating our time of rejoicing.

2 Replies to “Fingerprints”

  1. Hey there,

    Just ordered a shirt – Hope its not too late!! Your blog stories always make me cry. Thank you for sharing your journey.


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