Tokyo and Hanoi, Here Come

We’re sitting at the gate, mentally and physically preparing ourselves for the looooooooong flight to Tokyo. At the ticket counter, the agent noticed that our seats weren’t together (an apparent hazard of booking a trip on such short notice and/or using AA miles) but he was able to find two seats together IN AN EXIT ROW! My long legs rejoiced.

Once we make it to Tokyo, we’ll have a short layover and then we’ll hop another plane to Hanoi. It’s the longest trip Annie or I have ever taken, but we figure it’ll be worth it. To keep ourselves entertained, and to entertain you, we’ve been working on a little something for you. Here’s part one:

‘Twas the Week of Our Vietnam Trip

‘Twas the week of our Vietnam trip, and all through the house

Nobody knew what was coming, especially not us;

The Christmas tree was decorated and glowing,

While Scott and I sat never knowing;

Scott and I were nestled all snug in our bed,

While visions of anniversary plans danced in our heads;

I, in my cute pajamas, and Scott in his boxers,

Were just waking up to our obnoxious alarm clocks,

When all of a sudden my Gmail downloaded

The preliminary via approval for which we hoped.

An email to our agency was sent in a flash,

Was it time to travel with our T-shirt cash?

We got ready for work and went on with our day,

And waited to see what our agency would say;

When what to our wondering eyes should appear,

But six days to get to Hanoi from here;

We soon began calling in a race against time,

We knew any moment we might lose our minds;

We told our employers we’d need some off-time,

And called friends and family for help and advice;

Call Trudy! Call Amy! Call Sandy and Kristin!

Help, Michael! Help, Pam! Who’re we missing?!

What do we take? Who else do we call?

I don’t know if we will make it all!

To be continued …

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