Summer Style

This post is a little short on a full week of outfits but I spared you the sweaty workout clothes. While my pants (not jeans or leggings) in these picture were bought in the last couple of months, all of the tops and the dress are 2-3 years old. 🙂

8.2 - Impromptu date night courtesy of Grammy - black leggings, white tunic, and sandals
8.2 – Impromptu date night courtesy of Grammy – black leggings, white tunic, and sandals
8.3 - Black and cream patterned pants, pink sleeveless shirt, black Toms wedges - my pants need to be hemmed
8.3 – Black and cream patterned pants, pink sleeveless shirt, black Toms wedges – my pants need to be hemmed
8.4 - A day of professional development in white cuffed pants, patterned sleeveless top, and black sandals
8.4 – A day of professional development in white cuffed pants, patterned sleeveless top, and black sandals
8.6 - Another day of professional development in a taupe sleeveless dress and sandals
8.6 – Another day of professional development in a taupe sleeveless, belted dress and sandals


8.7 - Last day of professional development - cuffed jeans, cream top with crochet, brown gladiator sandals
8.7 – Last day of professional development – I saw everyone wearing jeans, so I opted for cuffed jeans, cream top with crochet, brown gladiator sandals

8,915 Replies to “Summer Style”

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