My Redeemer Lives

Originally posted May 30, 2008 on our old Vox blog.

So yesterday, I had another conversation in the teacher workroom. (I am thankful that there are only three more days of school). The topic of a co-workers baby shower came up and having babies. I said, “I’m having a baby,” to which came the reply, “It’s not from your body, so it doesn’t count.” Now, this comment was supposedly a joke; even if it is a joke, it is inappropriate. The comment has been ringing in my head.

Then today we got an update from our agency about a new step in the process. We haven’t had a chance to talk to our case worker about this change. The change does have to do with how the US is processing paperwork, so it shouldn’t effect our referral. Still I wonder, will there ever be an end? Will something always come up? Another obstacle/hoop to go through? (depending on your point of view).

Also today was my co-worker’s baby shower. I don’t think I like going to baby showers right now. Several people mentioned that I was next and to think of all the free stuff I would get. I just shrugged and half-smiled because I knew other people in the room had different opinions (not from my body). Anyway, it was just too much for me to deal with. I am happy that my co-worker is getting to end of her pregnancy, but at the same time I am frustrated that more things keep coming up for Scott and I to go through. When is enough enough?

So, I decided to go for a run when I got home from work to relieve some of the stress. I checked the weather and decided it wasn’t too hot and took Shiner with me. He looked like this when we got home.

Shiner after a run
Shiner after a run

I think he got a little hot. While we were running, I was listening to my iPod, and an old song came on “Redeemer” by Nicole C. Mullens. I listened to this song several times and even sang aloud outside. I decided my neighbors could handle it. 🙂 Anyway, I thought the song was a helpful reminder of the big picture – that no I’m not in control and I can’t change things, but there is someone in control – God.

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