Another Transition…

Well, we are looking at another transition for my job and Maggie’s schedule, but it should be the last. Last Monday, I interviewed with the Deaf Education Supervisor of a local school district and it went really well. She offered me a full time sub position starting late March and I will be called as needed. The plan is to add another full time teacher for the 2014-2015 school year, so as long as that gets approved and I do well subbing, I will be offered that position as well.

Interestingly enough in my 8 years of teaching experience, I was always in an oral classroom rather than a total communication classroom that used sign language even though I am able to sign. Well this district is total communication, so I will need to brush up on my sign and pray it comes back quickly. And another fun fact is that I will be subbing with a fellow horned frog from the class of 2003. If you go back to teaching after an almost 3 year hiatus, how great is it to go back with a fellow classmate?

I already gave my two weeks notice to my part time job, they were very gracious and understanding. I am thankful they gave me an opportunity when I needed it. And, it was a preschool so Maggie will stay there part time which should help her through this transition since she was already going there one day a week.

Whew, we are looking forward to this being the final transition and warmer weather. We need some more sunshine up here. 🙂

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